Some credit cards require additional authorization from FastSpring staff. Prices shown above do not include VAT and it will be added to the appropriate purchase orders
(EU customers) if you don't specify your VAT ID.
We use Electronic Software Delivery (ESD), so you will be able to work with the full version of our product after sales transaction is completed.
If you want to use VobcoCharts for a non-commercial purposes, get us a few details about your project. Non-commercial usage is allowed for non-commercial organizations,
educational institutions and non-commercial personal websites or applications.
A commercial website is a website where the purpose is generating revenue or cash flow of any type, and that isn't under a non-profit organization. So if you're selling a product,
selling advertisement, selling a service or just marketing a commercial business, your site is commercial. A company website is also commercial even if it doesn't sell anything, as
it's purpose is to front a commercial company.
You are allowed to use a VobcoCharts software product for non-commercial purposes under following conditions:
You are required to acknowledge usage of free version of the Software product in your website or application. Format, formulation and placement of acknowledgement is arbitrary,
as long as it mentions Software product and links to Software product web site.
Vobco d.o.o. does not have responsibility to provide any technical or any other support and Software product updates to the users of the Free version of the Software product.